Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society
Directorate Building
4th Floor, GVI Campus,
Ranchi – 834010
Jharkhand, India
Directorate Building
4th Floor, GVI Campus,
Ranchi – 834010
Jharkhand, India
Phone No.: +91-651-2211018
Email : jharkhandsacs@gmail.com

Email ID of Different Component (JSACS)
Sl. No. | Component | Email ID |
1. | Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society | jharkhandsacs@gmail.com jharkhandsacs01@gmail.com |
2. | Project Director | pd.jsacs@gmail.com |
3. | Administration | jsacsadmn@gmail.com |
4. | Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) | jharkhandbloodsafety@gmail.com |
5. | Voluntary Blood Donation (VBD) | |
6. | Care Support and Treatment (CST) | cstjharkhand@gmail.com |
7. | Social Protection & Mainstreaming (SPM) | |
8. | Information, Education & Communication (IEC) | iec.jharkhandsacs@gmail.com |
9. | Targeted Intervention (TI) | |
10. | Sexual Transmission Infestation (STI) | jharkhandsti@gmail.com |
11. | Integrated Counselling & Testing Center / Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (ICTC/PPTCT) | jharkhandictc@gmail.com |